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How To Deal With Anxiety During Times Of Uncertainty

2020! A year tainted with deep sorrow, fear, unhappiness, anger and complete ambiguity! A year and a half into this global pandemic and none of us can rest assured when, or if, things will ever go back to normal.

Now while we cannot do much to change what is happening around us, we can definitely try different ways and means to learn to let it go.

Here are 7 things we must understand when dealing with uncertainty and anxiety in these testing times:

1. Hey There, You’re Not Alone

If the unpredictability of the current scenario has sent you reeling, please understand that you’re not alone. If you are someone who has lost a job or had a loss of income or worse, lost a loved one, please know, you’re not the only one.

Each and everyone one of us, at our own level and in our own unique way is having to deal with anxiety and confusion with this on-going crisis.

2. Deal With It One Step At A Time

So what does one do, when they feel lost and consumed in this emotional jungle of pain, fear, loss, unhappiness, anxiety? How does one find their way out and reach the ocean if we don’t know which way to go? The answer is, keep moving ahead, taking a course that leads to the river. We need to remember that life is long!

The way things are now will not last forever. Everything that we have gone through, everything that we have experienced so far, we’ve passed through them, they are long gone and over. If we took a moment to look into our past right now, we would see that we have transcended through so many difficult situations and each of them only lasted a phase.

3. Focus On The Job At Hand

Do what you are already doing to the best of your ability. Whilst you have a job, appreciate it and give it your all. It might not fit your criteria, it might not be your happy place or it might even be something you were hellbent on not doing, even then, appreciate it! Have gratitude for the same. Look for ways to innovate. Introduce the “Kaizen technique” where you make it a habit to implement one small improvement in your life each day. This way not only will you become a more valuable employee, but your self esteem will increase and you will be able to bring freshness to your mundane everyday job.

4. Focus On What's In Your Control

Do what you are already doing to the best of your ability. Whilst you have a job, appreciate it and give it your all. It might not fit your criteria, it might not be your happy place or it might even be something you were hellbent on not doing, even then, appreciate it! Have gratitude for the same. Look for ways to innovate. Introduce the “Kaizen technique” where you make it a habit to implement one small improvement in your life each day. This way not only will you become a more valuable employee, but your self esteem will increase and you will be able to bring freshness to your mundane everyday job.

5. Face Your Personal Boogeyman

Every hardship, every uphill battle , every loss that we have ever experienced in our life, lasts only for a particular duration. You will heal. You will be able to rebuild yourself. This anxiety or fear that we experience is due to the fear of the unknown or due to the unknown fears that reside within us, especially about the future. These fears, that exist in our NOW, make us paralyzed and take away more than 50% of our chance of winning any situation. It makes us want to throw in the towel and give up. But don’t give up, not just yet!

6. Time To Reconnect Within

Introspect and understand what causes you to feel anxious, fearful, regret, instead of maintaining these feelings and giving way to your apathy and negativity. The worst mistake we can make is to give up, to not challenge ourselves in the fear of failure or anxiety. Do not despair or be defeated by your impatience. Be courageous, have the strength to forge ahead, calmly traverse life’s ups and downs and do your best NOW! Keep telling yourself “I’ll start from today!” “I’ll start afresh from this moment!” Begin from your present moment. When tomorrow happens, we will tackle it then.

7. Build Awareness To Stop Resistance

The past is the past and the future is the future. We cannot change certain situations in our life. We cannot go to the past and rectify or change something that we did earlier. And we definitely cannot go to the future and do something there too. The only thing we CAN do is UNDERSTAND this reality, ACCEPT it for what it is and MOVE ON! Whether we are anxious or not, the future will happen and we have to face it. There is no escape. So, why don’t we face it bravely?! Head on!

All you have is NOW. Do your best NOW!


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